There are a multitude of offers in terms of reusable water bottles on the market. It's not easy to choose a water bottle! This nomadic accessory which was still considered outdated a few years ago has become a trendy and essential accessory, allowing you to assert your activist choices strong, particularly by favoring its use for ecological reasons. Stainless steel water bottles have the advantage of being very solid water bottles , easy to wash, particularly healthy but with a higher price. With a double-walled water bottle, this can become a insulated bottle keeping liquids at their initial temperature for several hours. The aluminum bottle is a lightweight water bottle and it can now receive a special coating ensuring hygiene of the liquid in contact with the walls. It is also an inexpensive bottle in terms of price. On the other hand, aluminum bottles do not keep liquids cool or hot, or only by adding a special insulating cover. The glass bottle is particularly aesthetic, healthy and easy to maintain with a passage to dishwasher without any problems. On the other hand, the glass bottle is extremely fragile when used a lot. In addition, it is heavier than other reusable bottles. Finally, the plastic bottle is a lightweight bottle that can take on various shapes and colors with a affordable price but which ages and deteriorates quickly, retains odors and above all is totally anti-ecological.
During your outings in the great outdoors , of your walks and strolls, hikes, picnics , camping or during outdoor leisure activities or sports activities, the water bottle is an essential accessory. Indeed, in such circumstances it is essential to have a reusable water bottle on hand to be able to hydrate easily with fresh water or any other liquid of your choice. But adopting the water bottle on a daily basis (for example at work) is also making a simple gesture for the planet and the preservation of the environment . Indeed, opting for the reusable bottle in everyday life also means choosing to consume less bottled water and therefore reducing plastic: a French person buys on average 139 plastic water bottles each year and that's as many plastic bottles that end up at best in the trash, at worst in nature and in the ocean. And you should know that only half of the plastic bottles found in the trash will be recycled and only once due to the rapid degradation of plastic! With a metal bottle we also prevent swallowing microparticles of plastic which we are not yet aware of at the moment the impact on health . It is therefore better to have a glass bottle, a stainless steel bottle, a metal bottle, or another healthy and durable material .
This is a misconception that still persists today. Through advertising and marketing, it has been drummed into our heads that bottled water is better for our health than tap water. This is obviously not the case, much to the misfortune of the mineral and spring water manufacturers! It is therefore time to remind ourselves of what many independent studies confirm in France: tap water contains all the essential elements for our bodies and is 100 times more economical and, above all, much more environmentally friendly than bottled water. So, don't worry about filling your reusable water bottle with tap water and not by transferring water from a plastic bottle!