L’histoire du béret entre tradition et symbole français

The history of the beret between tradition and French symbol

Timeless, the The beret has spanned the eras of great French history . A symbol of tradition and elegance, it proves to be as useful as it is stylish. It occasionally asserts its regional identity but follows successive trends.

See Manufrance berets, hats and clothing

The beret thus resists both literally and figuratively, depending on the period in history. It protects the head from the cold and the rain and preserves a typically French art of living. It also stands up to the American cap. Today's luxury brands give it pride of place in their collections.

It now highlights the glamorous outfits and gives a sophisticated look to different looks. It highlights the delicacy of women's features, frames the charming faces of children and gives a masculine look to men.

A fashion accessory born from the know-how of yesteryear, the authentic French beret still offers high-end finishes despite the evolution of clothing styles. Let's discover its origins, its place in French culture throughout the ages, and the secrets of its manufacture by the great fashion houses.

Read also: A thousand and one ways to wear the beret

The French beret, an origin claimed as an art of living

The origin of this felted wool headdress has never really been established. It seems to be the successor to the birrus ​, a short hooded coat, worn throughout Gaul until the Middle Ages. Its name comes from the Béarnais language where it served as a pastoral headdress. The preserve of the Béarnais shepherd, it was made in the Pyrenees from Merino sheep wool.

Béarn claims the origin of the beret French as local know-how. Knitting, fulling, and felting techniques are part of Béarn's heritage. They guarantee the beret's waterproofness. Recognized in 1835 for its unique characteristics, the beret became an everyday accessory. It was worn by the rural population to avoid the cold and humidity. Children's berets appeared in playgrounds.

It gradually took on the status of a regional emblem. Its flattened, supple circular shape on top, its leather crown, and the lining sewn inside contribute to the comfort and robustness of the headgear. In the past, a small band was used to adjust the head circumference for a reliable fit. The tradition of the beret, however, is not limited to Béarn. High mountain guides and hunters adopted it. 18th-century artists posed with it. The beret was then the accessory of the painter par excellence : breathable but warm, it is used to withstand the cold of workshops. Its wearing, codified according to the trade or region, becomes the symbol of a strong identity.

Each beret has its own regional or identity customs and traditions.

Even today, the men's beret evokes the Southwest of France. However, the traditional beret is confined to festive events like the Bayonne Festival. The Basque beret is an integral part of our living heritage.

Originally wool in color, it gradually took on different shades depending on the community. The Ossau Valley sports a red beret. In Luchon, blue is the norm. Military personnel and mountain professionals follow their own regulations. The insignia appears on the beret. The black beret worn by the French when going to buy their baguette became part of Parisian folklore in the 20th century.

Since 1930, the women's beret has been worn by film starlets. A star accessory of great designers, it now bears the hallmarks of luxury brands like Gucci. The beret endured during World War II and has become a symbol of French values. Today, everyone wears it according to their own preferences, but it has followed local trends.

Also read: the beret is for ladies!

Worn flat on the head or slightly tilted, it reflected the respect for customs by different communities. The beret-cap appeared between the 1950s and 1960s. With its elegant visor, it marked its definitive entry into the world of fashion. In the city as well as on the catwalks, it plays the star in winter and is now available in a summer version.

The beret or the short story of a great symbol

The French beret factory is still located in Oloron Sainte Marie, in the Pyrenees. Since 1830, Maison Laulhère has been perpetuating this tradition. The designers have successfully combined expertise, authenticity, and evolving trends. The Basque beret is available in a variety of styles.

Dyes give it a chic or festive look. Maison Laulhère supplies the finest designers: it delivers berets with meticulous finishes. Made in France, the beret enhances a raw material selected for its quality. The beret is lined with a shaping cap to create an exceptional product. The style and comfort of the French beret have made it famous.

Made from pure Merino wool, it meets ecological requirements. We distribute Laulhère berets made in France for their French charm and the quality of their workmanship. While the cabilhou is added after the fact for the beret's aesthetic appeal, as it originally gathered the knitted yarns, the manufacturing steps remain the legacy of a transmission of the art of knitting, fulling and felting to tighten the stitches, as well as dyeing techniques with all their nuances and finishing touches.

THE beret French offers protection with multiple uses. It insulates against external weather conditions. Effective against cold and humidity, it also prevents any risk of sunstroke. In the last century, it was used as a carrying bag on occasion; today, it is invited on all outings. It can take on a vintage look or give a trendy look. Its worldwide reputation ensures it has a bright future. The children's beret, colorful and embroidered, prepares the French taste for the beret of tomorrow.

Also read: the beret still dresses men.